Saturday, April 24, 2010

Learning Curve

I guess the learning curve isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I still have some learning to do. For example, I am 99% sure that my posts should only come up as little descriptions and then people should be able to click "read more" or something like that. At least, that is what I thought would happen when I clicked the little box that said "short" instead of "full. For whatever reason, it's all just laid out there stretching my page out really long. It's frustrating, because I don't want people to have to scroll through all of my ramblings to get to a particular post if they want to. What if they want to read oldest to newest, and don't want TOO many spoilers? Well, I will figure it out, but for now, grin and bear it with me! ;]

Also, in the process of learning I accidentally followed myself and have no idea how to UN-follow myself. Help? ;P Yeah, we'll see how this whole thing goes. It's gonna be wild!

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