Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bokeh Beauty

With this shot I simply put my camera on manual focus so it wouldn't freak out when I didn't have anything to focus on, and manually put everything out of focus.

Okay, so I officially love bokeh. It is truly beautiful, and sometimes the colorful little orbs can be mesmerizing. And even though I love this shot that I took on a busy street at night, I think it would be SO much better if there were something in focus as well. Why do I say this? Because bokeh is even more impressive when there is something in tack sharp focus to compare it to in the same picture. It makes peoples jaws drop while they ask "How did they DOOO that?" Or at least, that was my reaction before I started learning more about photography and got my DSLR. Honestly, I still find myself reacting that way though at a lot of pictures. There are so many ways to get so many different types of bokeh it is absolutely unreal. One of the biggest key factors is to get distance between your subject and the background that you want thrown out of focus, but to stand somewhat close to your subject. That will help a lot, especially if you don't have fancy schmancy equipment. When your camera focuses on your subject it will throw the background that is far away and distracting even just the slightest bit out of focus if you have a good camera, unless you are using a very narrow aperture (the higher numbers, like 16-22 or even higher in some cases). This was mostly just for me, and many of you won't get anything from this, but I love talking about bokeh. I apologize, but at the very least I hope you enjoyed looking at the picture! ;D

I'll probably put up some Photoshop tricks and things for your education purposes soon. Also, if I come up with any amazing recipes I will be sure to share!

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